Introducing Cairo's first Public Transportation Map


A full geographic information system of transit in Cairo

Explore the routes and stops of the public transport network of Cairo.

For education

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As part of our commitment to Open Data, we are happy to share our collected data to be used under a non-commercial license. The hope is that other academics and researchers as well as interested hackers can glean ever more exciting insights from the data that is publicly available on the streets of Cairo. To download our data on public transport routes in Cairo, collected between November 2017 and February 2018, visit our Github.

The data is published under a Creative Commons CC BY-NC license. For proper attribution, please add the following text “This data was created by Transport for Cairo ’TfC’ with DigitalMatatus and Takween for Integrated Community Development, under the Digital Cairo Project supported by ExpoLive 2020.”



For research and professional use

Contact Us >

For academic researchers and transport professionals looking for a more detailed data, we offer access to the raw data collected as well as associated methodology documents by request. The data has already been used in a number of graduation projects, policy papers and academic research papers. Please contact us.


Explore Digital Cairo

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

What is a GIS shapefile and how can I open one?

Almost all digital maps are produced using a GIS. The term GIS is a catch all term for any system that can store, manipulate and display digital map data, they range from powerful desktop systems such as QGIS and Esri’s ArcGIS.

The standard for storing and exchanging map data in the GIS world is the Shapefile. Despite it’s name, a Shapefile is usually made up of four files (although it can be more).

Can I build a commercial app using the downloadable GTFS feed?

No. Any application or use of the GIS shapefiles that generates revenue through payment, ads or any other form of direct or indirect monetization is prohibited by the Creative Commons CC BY-NC license which the GIS shapefiles use. Please contact us to discuss the option of licensing the data.

So I can’t use it for my project / research paper?

Of course you can. However, any software or research produced must be for a non-profit purpose, be shared under Creative Commons CC BY-NC license or other open license and properly attribute the data. We encourage you to explore public transit in Cairo, produce data-driven research papers and graduation projects and share the results to help improve mobility in Cairo.

My question is not here?

Please feel free to contact us with your question. Please type ‘QUESTION’ in the e-mail subject.